What is blocked vas deferens

The vas deferens is as tough as a rope, and can be felt through the scrotum wall in the inguinal canal and the spermatic cord below the outer ring. The commonly used method of male sterilization is to do vasectomy in this section to achieve the purpose of birth control.

  What is the blockage of the vas deferens? The vas deferens is the channel that transports sperm . If the vas deferens is blocked, it will affect the normal discharge of sperm and cause male infertility. The proportion of male infertility caused by blocked vas deferens cannot be ignored, accounting for 5%-15% of male infertility.

  What is the blockage of the vas deferens?

  What are the causes of blocked vas deferens ?

  1. The impact of epididymis tuberculosis on the vas deferens: Epididymis tuberculosis will soon infect the vas deferens, thicken and harden the vas deferens, and present bead-like changes, and eventually completely lose the functions of the epididymis and vas deferens.

  2. Urethra: It is the channel through which semen is expelled. Once the urethra is disturbed by inflammation, trauma, or organic disease, the urethra is often constricted and the semen cannot be ejaculated. Severe stenosis will not only cause blockage of the vas deferens and infertility, but also lead to sexual dysfunction .

  3. Separation of the vas deferens and epididymis: This is also one of the causes of vas deferens blockage and infertility. During the embryonic period, the renal tube develops, causing the epididymis and vas deferens in its derivatives to be underdeveloped, causing the epididymis and vas deferens to be disconnected, and the function of the epididymis cannot be exerted. If the semen has no fructose at all, it also means that there are no seminal vesicles at all, and fertility is even more impossible.

  4. Absence or atresia of the vas deferens: The cause of this disease may be related to genetics, radiation pollution, chemical pollution, hormone influence, virus infection, environmental pollution and other factors. Chengdu Boda Andrology HospitalResearch by therapists in recent years has also confirmed that mutations in the cystic fibrosis gene are the main cause of the absence or atresia of the vas deferens. There is no vas deferens or atresia at all, the sperm will naturally lose the environment for passage and survival, and it is natural to cause infertility due to blockage of the vas deferens.

  What is the blockage of the vas deferens? Clinical manifestations of blocked vas deferens

  The vas deferens is as tough as a rope, in the inguinal canal and the spermatic cord below the outer ring, can be felt through the scrotum wall. The commonly used method of male sterilization is to do vasectomy in this section to achieve the purpose of birth control. After the vas deferens are blocked, there is only no sperm in the semen, and there are still orgasms and ejaculation activities during sexual life . It serves as the direct continuation of the epididymis duct, and is the channel through which sperm are transported from the epididymis to the prostate and urethra, with a total length of about 40-60 cm and a diameter of about 0.3 cm. The vas deferens connects with the epididymis at one end and joins with the seminal vesicles at the other end to form the ejaculatory duct.

  Obstruction of the vas deferens can cause obstructive azoospermia, which is also called pseudoazospermia clinically. Its clinical manifestations and characteristics are: normal testis size, no sperm, normal serum follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and testosterone levels , testicular biopsy pathological examination results were normal. However, to confirm the diagnosis, angiographic examination must be performed.

  If azoospermia is the main symptom, testicular azoospermia and azoospermia caused by blockage of the vas deferens need to be differentiated, and testicular biopsy can be done for identification. If the testicular biopsy is normal, a vasectomy should be done to understand the blockage of the vas deferens.