Frequent holding back of urine is easy to develop prostate

Holding back urine is a common bad urination habit, especially among people who need to sit and work for a long time. However, holding back urine may negatively affect a man’s prostate health in the long run.

The prostate is an important organ in the male reproductive system, responsible for producing and secreting fluid, helping to maintain the movement of semen and protecting sperm . Prostatitis is a common prostate disease, usually caused by bacterial infection, which can lead to symptoms such as frequent urination, urgency, and painful urination.

Holding back urine may increase the pressure on the bladder and urethra, which in turn increases the risk of bacterial infection of the prostate. When holding back urine for too long, the bacteria in the urine can stay in the bladder and urethra, and then further enter the prostate, causing prostatitis. In addition, holding back urine may also cause damage to the tissues and organs around the prostate, thereby increasing the risk of prostatitis .

Therefore, it is recommended that male friends do not hold back their urine frequently and maintain a normal urination frequency. Usually the number of urination should be between 4-7 times a day, and avoid holding back urine for a long time. In addition, maintaining good personal hygiene and avoiding unnecessary sex can also reduce the risk of prostatitis.

If you have symptoms of prostatitis, such as frequent urination, urgency, painful urination, etc., it is recommended that you seek medical treatment as soon as possible. Usually doctors will prescribe antibiotics to treat bacterial infections and, depending on the situation, other treatments such as medications, physical therapy, etc.

In short, although holding back urine is not the direct cause of prostatitis, it may increase the risk of prostatitis in the long run. Therefore, male friends should maintain a normal urination frequency, avoid holding back urine for too long, and pay attention to personal hygiene.