man what killed your sperm

  Since the 1990s, the quality of human semen has shown an obvious downward trend, which has aroused great concern around the world. The research results of relevant experts show that the quality and quantity of semen of adult males in China has also decreased significantly, and this decrease is more obvious in cities than in rural areas, and the higher the degree of industrialization, the greater the decrease.

  Semen analysis is an important indicator for evaluating male fertility. Sperm are the end products of the development of the male germ line. During the process of sperm formation, DNA will be damaged, and it is not easy to repair after damage. On the other hand, compared with other somatic cells, sperm are more sensitive to various poisons and are more vulnerable.

  The reduction of semen quality directly leads to the decline of human fertility. At present, the incidence of infertility , miscarriage, reproductive system tumors and neonatal hypospadias and other congenital defects have increased significantly, and the incidence of sexual development abnormalities such as precocious puberty and male feminization

  Human sperm are both vulnerable and difficult to repair, making many factors common sperm “killers”:

  Environmental pollution There is a class of “environmental hormones”, also known as “hormones” and “endocrine disrupting substances”, which are chemical substances with estrogen-like properties existing in the environment. After they enter the human body, they will act on multiple links of sperm development, resulting in abnormal sperm development, reduced quantity and quality of male sperm, greatly reducing the pregnancy rate of women, and even completely losing their fertility.

  There are many types of pollutants containing environmental hormones, mainly in pesticides, chemical fertilizers, insecticides, detergents, plastic products, plasticizers, asbestos, chemicals, vehicle exhaust, gases from garbage incineration, certain heavy metals and cosmetics . Among the more than 200 kinds of compounds that people are often exposed to, more than 60% have irreversible toxicity to sperm, and more than 20 occupational poisons can also harm sperm.

  Due to the increasing environmental pollution, the amount of men’s semen has been almost halved in the past 50 years. Acute or chronic poisoning caused by environmental pollution can reduce the activity of enzymes in the testes, affect the spermatogenic process, increase the proportion of deformed sperm, and decrease their vitality, penetrating power, and pregnancy rate.

  Workers engaged in radioactive work, high-temperature work, and long-term exposure to paint, coatings, and toxic substances such as mercury, lead, and phosphorus without protective measures are all high-risk groups of infertility . About 40% of the fertility rate is affected by the decline of sperm quality and quantity.

  It can be said that environmental pollution is the number one killer of sperm. Its greater threat to human beings is that it is latent, persistent and irreversible, and it is difficult for people to detect its harm in the short term (several years, ten years).

smoking and drinking

  Nicotine in cigarettes can kill sperm, cause sperm dysplasia, increase the proportion of deformed and defective sperm, and even cause sudden mutations in sperm chromosomes, resulting in genetic changes. Excessive smoking can also increase the content of thiocyanate in semen, thereby inhibiting the motility of sperm. The survey found that: the longer the smoking age and the greater the amount of smoking, the lower the number of sperm, the higher the deformity rate of sperm, and the lower the motility of sperm. If you are going to have a healthy baby, it is best to quit the bad habit of smoking 3 months to six months before the planned conception.

  Alcohol has a strong toxic effect on reproductive cells, can damage sperm and affect the development of embryos. Long-term heavy drinking can cause male fertility to decline. It has been proven that alcohol can slow down the synthesis of testosterone and affect the normal metabolism of testosterone, resulting in hypofunction of the gonads, affecting the production of sperm and the quality of semen. Some people in western countries like to drink too much, and they often get drunk on Sundays. The babies born after having intercourse at night are called “Sunday babies”. These babies are often weak, stunted, and even deformed or demented. Therefore, it is best for men to drink less or even no alcohol two or three months before planning to conceive to ensure the quality of sperm. Excessive drinking in men can also cause impotence or temporary impotence.

  Eating disorders

  Sperm production requires the supply of nutrients, malnutrition or imbalance will directly affect the production of sperm. Cholesterol, arginine, and zinc in the nutrients are most closely related to fertility. Cholesterol is an important raw material for the synthesis of sex hormones; arginine is a necessary component for sperm formation; zinc is an important trace element for the human body, and the zinc content in semen is nearly 100 times higher than that in plasma. Zinc directly participates in the glycolysis and oxidation process in sperm, maintains the integrity and permeability of sperm cell membrane, and maintains the vitality of sperm. Zinc deficiency can lead to testicular atrophy, decreased sperm count, decreased sexual function, and even loss of fertility in severe cases.

  American medical experts once conducted sperm-killing tests on a certain drink with three different formulas sold on the market and concluded that after a newly-married man drinks the drink, the sperm will be directly killed, thereby affecting the man’s reproductive ability. Once the injured sperm combines with the egg, it may cause fetal malformation or congenital deficiency.

  The following foods are good for improving sperm quality: carrots, garlic, kelp, mushrooms, mung beans, eel, loach, squid, hairtail, eel, sea cucumber, cuttlefish, yam, ginkgo, tofu, tofu skin.

  Temperature is too high

  The process of sperm production requires lower temperatures. Sperm can be produced smoothly only when the testicles are in the scrotum where the temperature is lower than the body temperature. For example, the testis of a patient with cryptorchidism is not in the scrotum, but in other parts of the body where the temperature of the scrotum is 2-3 degrees Celsius higher than that of the scrotum for a long time. The spermatogenic cells are irreversibly damaged and cannot produce sperm. Therefore, any clothing, living habits and environment that make the temperature of the genital area too high may reduce the number of sperm and affect conception, and even lead to infertility. Such as engaging in high-temperature operations, being accustomed to bathing with superheated water, taking sauna baths frequently, and often wearing tight jeans that show curves, etc., are all worse for male infertility.

 certain drugs

  Antitumor drugs cyclophosphamide and vincristine, colchicine for gout, and tripterygium for rheumatoid arthritis can all cause sperm growth disorders. Monoamine oxidase inhibitors, antihypertensive drugs, aspirin, ketoconazole, gossypol, etc. can all affect sperm production. Preservatives in food and hydrogen peroxide have certain toxic effects on sperm. The antiepileptic drug phenytoin has the effect of inhibiting the secretion of gonadotropin from the pituitary gland, and indirectly affects the production of sperm. Testosterone can inhibit the function of the hypothalamus and inhibit the process of spermatogenesis.

 radiation exposure

  Sperm cells are very sensitive to radiation, and if they are directly irradiated by radiation, the number of germ cells will gradually decrease. However, the degree of this damage is related to the intensity of the radiation and the length of the exposure time: the intensity of the radiation is weaker, and the damage caused by the shorter time is lighter, the damage may be temporary, and fertility can also be restored; Too strong or too long may cause irreversible sterility. Long-term exposure to radiation, such as radiation technicians, nuclear energy workers, etc., can inhibit sperm production due to the effect of radiation, and can cause sperm chromosomal aberrations.

 Lack of energy

  Work pressure is high, the body is often in a state of fatigue, irregular life, bad mental state, tension and anxiety can directly affect the nervous system and endocrine function, and make the testicular spermatogenesis disorder.