How much do you know about the causes of male infertility

 Endocrine disease is one of the causes of male infertility Of these, the most common cause of male infertility is selective hypogonadotropic hypogonadism. So, what are the causes of male infertility? Let’s take a look at the causes of male infertility.

  1. Reproductive tract infection is a common cause of male infertility. In recent years, with the increase in the incidence of sexually transmitted diseases, the incidence and severity of reproductive tract inflammation such as prostatitis , epididymitis, orchitis, and urethritis have increased, seriously affecting male fertility.

  2. Vas deferens obstruction is also one of the causes of male infertility. Affects sperm transport.

  3. Abnormal testicular spermatogenic function. Common causes of male infertility are cryptorchidism, varicocele, physical and chemical factors such as toxins, magnetic fields, high fever, and trauma can all cause testicular spermatogenesis disorders.

  4. Abnormal sperm structure and abnormal seminal plasma are also the cause of male infertility. Affect sperm motility, capacitation and acrosome reaction.

  5. The cause of male infertility is immune infertility. Both the antisperm immunity produced by men and the antisperm alloimmunity produced by women can cause male infertility.

  Male sexual dysfunction . Impotence , premature ejaculation , non- ejaculation , and retrograde ejaculation are all causes of male infertility. The above is an introduction to the causes of male infertility. If you have any questions about the causes of male infertility, please consult an expert.

  The above is a brief introduction to the causes of male infertility. I believe you have a certain understanding of the causes of male infertility. For your reference only. If you have any questions about the cause of male infertility, please consult an expert, who will answer in detail.