A ‘range’ of pee can tell if a man’s prostate is healthy

Due to the special position of the prostate — the deepest part of the pelvic cavity, it is difficult to understand its “true face”.

  Urine is easy to “snap out the door”

If you have had such an experience: when you go to work during the day, you always have to go to the bathroom frequently to urinate, and you can’t wait to “squat” in the bathroom. I always have to get up to urinate when I sleep at night , and I have to toss about seven or eight times every night, so that I can’t sleep all night. That’s not counting. Sometimes when I want to pee, I have to go to the bathroom right away. If you slow down a little bit, the urine will “come out of the door”. When you pass the urine, sometimes it will be accompanied by cramps in the lower abdomen and burning pain and discomfort in the urethra. At this time, you should consider whether it is a prostate lesion. . For patients with benign prostatic hyperplasia, irritation symptoms tend to appear earlier, especially nocturia, which is often the earliest manifestation of benign prostatic hyperplasia. The occurrence of urinary problems in patients with prostate disease is gradual, initially manifested as lower urinary tract irritation symptoms: frequent urination, urgency, painful urination, and urge incontinence.

  urine can not be resolved

Patients with severe prostate disease may experience obstructive urination problems: hesitancy in urination, strenuous urination, thinner urine stream , dribbling at the end of urine, etc. Even though I ran to the bathroom at the speed of “100-meter sprint”, I couldn’t urinate for a long time, my face was flushed from holding back, and it took a lot of effort to squeeze out the urine; moreover, the “range” of the discharged urine was very short. It flows out drop by drop, and if you don’t pay attention, you will wet your shoes. After standing for a long time, it still drips endlessly in the end. With these symptoms, it is almost certain to have prostate disease.

When the disease continues to progress to a more severe stage, some more serious manifestations will appear. For example, sometimes when encountering triggering factors such as cold exposure, drinking alcohol, excessive holding back of urine, and taking certain drugs, there will be a situation where the urine cannot be discharged at all suddenly, and the urine in the bladder will accumulate more and more, which is called “acute urinary retention” .

In some patients, when the urine in the bladder has exceeded the maximum capacity of the bladder itself, the urine will continuously flow out of the urethra. Many patients with filling incontinence will mistakenly think that the urine has been discharged, but they do not know that there is still a lot of urine in the bladder, which brings continuous and more serious harm to the body.

Hematuria is another major symptom of prostate disease. Hematuria is blood in the urine, and some people can observe the color of the urine turning red with the naked eye, such as the color of soy sauce, water samples from washing meat, or even fresh blood samples. We call it gross hematuria. However, although the surface color of some urine is normal, under the microscope, “false feet” are exposed, and many red blood cells can be found, which is called microscopic hematuria.

In addition to finding clues in “urine” for self-examination of prostate diseases, there are other manifestations, such as genital discomfort (the position between the anus and scrotum), heavy swelling and falling accompanied by lumbosacral and penile radiating pain, defecation Aggravated pain; another example is urethral discharge: there is a small amount of white discharge overflowing from the urethral orifice, the urethral orifice is glued by secretions in the morning, and the urethral secretion increases after urination or when you defecate hard…

The symptoms caused by prostate disease are often not specific, that is to say, it is difficult to distinguish prostate disease from the symptoms alone, so when you have the above symptoms, you need to go through many other tests to finally determine whether you really have a prostate gland disease, it is best to go to a professional hospital as soon as possible to find the answer.

  Urination problems can be “early warning”

The male urinary system includes many organs, among which the lower urinary tract includes the bladder, prostate and urethra, which are directly related to the generation of voiding symptoms. Therefore, any obstacle in the process of urination will affect urination, such as urethritis.

Therefore, the occurrence of urination symptoms does not necessarily mean that there is something wrong with the prostate. Liu Xiuzhi reminded that if you have symptoms of urination, do not draw conclusions on your own, because it is very unreliable to judge only by symptoms, let alone solve it by yourself, you must go to the hospital as soon as possible